The Louis Vuitton Twist bag in the MM size is something I’ve been wanting for over a year now. Its hefty price tag made me wait for months, in order to save the money. After searching the pre-loved marked, I decided to purchase this bag from my Louis Vuitton Client Advisor. But, to my disappointment, it was sold out in her system! However, I saw it online so was able to purchase there.
Review: I love this bag! It’s made out of epi leather and VERY durable. It has a small chain strap, and an adjustable shoulder strap so I can wear crossbody, on my shoulder, or handheld, This purse fits a quite a bit: sunglasses, wallet, keys, even hand sanitizer. I opted for the black on black colors so it’s less showy as a standard Louis Vuitton, and it’s different than the normal. Overall, I highly recommend this purse! It’s well worth the splurge.